Bio-Rad is a global leader in developing, manufacturing, and marketing a broad range of innovative products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets. With a focus on quality and customer service for 70 years, our products advance the discovery process and improve healthcare. Our customers include university and research institutions, hospitals, public health and commercial laboratories, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, as well as applied laboratories that include food safety and environmental quality.
Life Science Research
Bio-Rad is among the top five life science companies in the world, providing instruments, software, consumables, reagents, and content for the areas of cell biology, gene expression, protein purification, protein quantitation, drug discovery and manufacture, food safety, and science education. Our products and solutions are based on technologies to separate, purify, identify, analyze, and amplify biological materials such as antibodies, proteins, nucleic acids, cells, and bacteria.
Clinical Diagnostics
As a leading global provider of in-vitro diagnostics supplies, our diagnostic products and systems leverage a broad range of technologies and deliver high-value clinical information in the blood transfusion, diabetes monitoring, autoimmune, and infectious disease testing markets. These products are used to support the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of diseases and other medical conditions. Bio-Rad is the world leader in clinical quality control products, services, and information systems, products that ensure the accuracy and validity of clinical test results.
Digital Biology
Offering unrivaled precision and absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules, our unique Digital Droplet technology partitions samples into thousands of microfluidic “droplet” test tubes, providing extremely sensitive and accurate digital answers for life science research, clinical diagnostics, as well as environmental monitoring and food safety testing.