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The challenge of overcoming resistance to anti-PD(L1)-1 checkpoint inhibitors

24 Sep 2024
Clinical Development
  • Why is resistance (e.g., primary and secondary) to PD(L1)-1 inhibitors a significant clinical problem in patients with solid tumors?
  • What have been previously tested approaches (e.g., bispecifics, coinhibitory checkpoints, immune agonists) to overcome PD(L1)-1 resistance and why have they been unsuccessful?
  • How should we design trials to optimally test novel agents which have demonstrated the potential to overcome PD(L1)-1 resistance?
  • What novel compounds or agents directed toward a pathway of interest (e.g., ILT4, IRK, itaconate) are most intriguing?
Industry Expert
Satya Das, Senior Medical Director, Clinical Development - Cullgen