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Michael Lebowitz

Michael Lebowitz

Vice President of Research, Athanor Biosciences

Michael Lebowitz, Ph.D. is CSO/co-founder of Athanor Biosciences, Inc., where he is developing enabling technology to build multiplexed, multivalent bio-nanoparticles, termed SUPER-ADCs, to expand the reach of current ADC technology, to target low-abundance cancer-specific antigens. He previously served as VP of Research at Sensei Biotherapeutics, Inc. (formerly Panacea Pharmaceuticals) where he led the company’s discovery and development programs in cancer; including the design and development of antibodies and ADCs, a CAR-T program, and the design, construction, preclinical, and early clinical development of an anti-cancer vaccine candidate. Dr. Lebowitz is also currently the CSO at 20/20 GeneSystems, Inc. where he helped to launch an AI-enhanced multicancer early detection test. Dr. Lebowitz holds a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and is currently an Adjunct Lecturer in Biotechnology at both JHU and UMBC.
