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Applying omic data analytics for personalized drug response prediction

21 Nov 2024
Drug Response Prediction
  • What are the emerging alternatives to DNA (WGS, NGS), RNA expression (Bulk RNAseq), or DNA methylation omic data? Is proteomic or single-cell RNA seq going to be a silver bullet? Current trends in drug response prediction. 
  • What are the limitations of foundational AI models for drug response prediction? 
  • What are the pros and cons of using the multi-omic approach for drug response prediction? 
  • What are the main challenges to transferring biomarker detection models and response prediction on in vivo and in vitro models into early clinical trials on patient data in oncology? 
  • Current cohort selection strategies and challenges. How to ensure the largest possible cohort size and keep a high treatment response rate?  
Industry Expert
Marcin Kowiel, Assoc Director - Data Science and AI Platforms - Ryvu Therapeutics